Princeton Junction, N.J., November 4, 2015 – As the U.S. continues its implementation of EMV chip cards, the EMV Migration Forum today announced new resources to provide education for consumers and implementation guidance for merchants and issuers.
Princeton Junction, N.J., November 3, 2015 – For many U.S. financial institutions, the ability to instantly issue credit and debit cards in-branch can improve customer service, help differentiate them from their competitors, and increase card activation and usage rates. But for those issuing EMV chip cards, the transition of an existing instant issuance program to […]
Princeton Junction, N.J., September 29, 2015 – Shoppers across America are noticing a new chip security feature on their payment cards. They’re called chip cards, and most consumers have at least one or will get one soon from their bank. Beginning in October 2015, retailers may be liable for certain types of fraud if they […]
Princeton Junction, N.J., September 8, 2015 – For consumers curious about their new chip-based credit and debit cards and wondering how to use them to conduct transactions in-store and at the ATM, has the answers. was launched in April by the EMV Migration Forum and the Payments Security Task Force in support of […]
Princeton Junction, N.J., August 26, 2015 – As the U.S. migrates to EMV chip technology to secure the card-present channel and reduce in-store counterfeit card fraud, it is critical to simultaneously secure the card-not-present (CNP) channel1. Next month, the EMV Migration Forum will host a webinar on the best practices for authentication methods and fraud […]
Princeton Junction, NJ, August 19, 2015 – The Payments Security Task Force and the EMV Migration Forum today announced the launch of the industry-wide CHIP IN Education Initiative. “After only one successful transaction, consumers understand how to use their new chip cards. We want to make their first impression with chip technology a positive one, and make […]
Princeton Junction, N.J., July 14, 2015 – As the U.S. payments infrastructure migrates to EMV chip technology, regulations require that merchants be provided a choice between at least two unaffiliated networks for purchases made using a debit card. To explain the unique U.S. implementation of EMV debit, the U.S. Common Debit AID, the EMV Migration Forum […]
Princeton Junction, N.J., June 16, 2015 – In order to help ensure that an ATM can process transactions using U.S. Common Debit AIDs, the EMV Migration Forum today announced an update to the white paper, “Implementing EMV at the ATM: Requirements and Recommendations for the U.S. ATM Community,” that adds guidance on the use of […]
Princeton Junction, N.J., June 9, 2015 – Just as the rest of the payments industry, the ATM community is migrating to EMV chip technology to secure transactions in the U.S. and to protect themselves from potential fraud losses. The EMV Migration Forum will host a webinar next month to provide a non-technical review of the […]
Princeton Junction, N.J., June 2, 2015 – The EMV Migration Forum today released a new document, “Understanding the 2015 U.S. Fraud Liability Shifts,” to provide information to assist merchants, acquirers, processors and others implementing EMV chip technology in the U.S. to better understand liability shifts. View the document at